
Cultivating a landscape for creative social change 

Animating Democracy inspires, informs, promotes, and connects arts and culture as potent contributors to community, civic, and social change.

Our work focuses in four areas:

Opportunities and Resources – Identify, develop, and advocate for public and private sector policies, practices, funding, and initiatives that advance the role of the arts in fostering citizen participation and social change and better integrate the talents of artists and cultural organizations toward helping people engage in civic and community life.

Research and Evaluation – Build a body of research that advances field and cross-sector knowledge and evidence that demonstrates how the arts foster civic engagement and contribute to healthy communities and a vital democracy.

Messaging and Casemaking – Generate greater visibility for how arts-based strategies fuel community building and problem solving by disseminating compelling stories and evidence of the arts’ contribution to social impact. 

Strategic Alliances – Advance strategic alliances that promote and establish common cause and joint endeavors between the arts and other sectors of public life.