Cathedral Arts Project
The Cathedral Arts Project (CAP) is the leading provider of comprehensive and ongoing instruction in the visual and performing arts for elementary and middle school students in Duval County. Our mission is to enrich the quality of life in Northeast Florida through unleashing the creative spirit of young people. By providing access to free, standards-based instruction in the visual and performing arts, we empower underserved, school-aged children to succeed in all areas of their lives. Our vision is for every child in Northeast Florida to have access to a well-rounded, arts-rich education that endows his or her spirit with the imagination, self-confidence and strength of character that inspires great leadership and a will to succeed not just in the classroom, but also in life.
Through a variety of offerings including afterschool, school day and summer programs, cultural experiences, advocacy, community partnerships and professional development for teachers and artists, CAP seeks to instruct, instill and inspire.
CAP’s overall goals are to:
• Employ local artists who mentor students and teach perseverance, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, critical thinking and self-discipline.
• Provide professional development workshops in both the arts and arts integration for classroom teachers, arts educators, administrators, arts organizations and local artists.
• Advocate for the importance of arts education to families, educators, policy makers, students and business leaders.