Talking Eyes Media
Montclair, NJ07042Talking Eyes Media (TEM) was founded in 2002 by Julie Winokur and Ed Kashi as a 501(c)(3) public interest organization. Since its founding, Talking Eyes has been at the forefront of multimedia storytelling, generating award-winning work on topics ranging from the uninsured in America to oil exploitation in the Niger Delta, from finding permanent homes for foster children to the residual impact of Agent Orange. TEM has a multi-disciplinary approach, combining exceptional video, photography, writing, and audio, to produce and distribute powerful media on pressing social issues. We distinguish ourselves through our depth of coverage, quality of production, and the unique content of our projects. Social entrepreneurs, policy makers, and public organizations have effectively used our materials to put a human face on complex social issues and broaden public discourse. Our work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, National Geographic, Discovery, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, The Documentary Channel, and PBS. We have been recognized with two Emmy nominations, and multiple awards from World Press International, Pictures of the Year, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the National Press Photographers Association.