The Rockefeller Foundation
The Foundation works to achieve its goal of creating meaningful and measurable impact for poor and vulnerable communities through smart globalization. The Rockefeller Foundation focuses its resources on five related issue areas including basic survival safeguards, global health, climate & the environment, urbanization, and social & economic security.
The Foundation funds a portfolio of initiatives that work across these areas, linking and interlinking, to achieve meaningful and measurable impact. Each initiative is designed to accomplish specific goals within projected time frames, usually three to five years. We monitor and assess our grantees’ effectiveness regularly. These requirements enable the Foundation to shift tactics when necessary, seize unanticipated opportunities, and recalibrate our approach when a problem demands shorter- or longer-term investment. All our initiatives draw on the Foundation’s commitment to nurture innovation, pioneer new fields, expand access to and distribution of resources, and, ultimately, generate sustainable impact on individuals, institutions, and communities.