Arts for Global Development, Inc. (Art4Development.Net)
Arts for Global Development, Inc.. is an international, educational, volunteer-based initiative with a purpose of furthering interdisciplinary, multisectoral, cross-cultural, and creative approaches to social change. It facilitates the creative sector and stakeholders in development to empower socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and communities worldwide, particularly children, youth, and women. The initiative works toward this by forming a worldwide network and furthering any form of art to tackle the challenges in the development field and transform societies into more socially conscious, tolerant, responsible, and creatively active groups of people. Among Art4Development.Net projects are Arts & MDGs, a consortium of organizations using the arts to address Millennium Development Goals to end poverty (MDGs are established by member countries of the United Nations). Arts & MDGs are organized by issues of poverty, education, gender equality, health, environment and economic development. art'ishake is an e-publication that features international arts and development projects. Creative Change focuses on creative volunteerism for social change. e-community is a forum for arts and development advocates to exchange ideas and develop collaborations. The Knowledge Center (under development) is a collection of papers, research, publications, reports, etc.. focusing on arts related issues.