Opportunity NOW
Nashville, TNOpportunity NOW is a coordinated initiative launched by Mayor Megan Barry to provide young people in
Davidson County access to employment. In Nashville, we have seen fewer and fewer teenagers and young adults
working during the summers and after-school. At the same time, Nashville employers across various industries
are concerned about the lack of “soft” skills among their youngest employees—skills most readily learned through
actual work experience.
The initiative was created based on recommendations from the Mayor’s Youth Violence Summit as a way to connect
youth to real work experience. Opportunity NOW is designed to combat the growing gap in youth employment and
will be the central system for delivering jobs to young people.
14 - 16.5 year olds
Project-based and service learning opportunity performed by teams of young
people supported by a near-peer coach who works at team-building and developing
work readiness skills.
16.5 - 18 year olds
(rising Juniors and Seniors)
Discreet summer employment experiences linked where possible with a young
person’s Academy and/or career interests. The program incorporates pre-program
job readiness and regular weekly skill building sessions outside of the workplace.
Young people are supported by a coach throughout.
New high school
graduates with
college-going plans
Direct private sector job placement with employers who commit to working with
the college-going schedule of the young people. Young people get pre-program
job readiness and on going coaching that includes specific supports for successful
college going.
14 - 24 year olds
Employers post available positions for summer, afterschool, and entry level work
on the Opportunity NOW portal. Young people interested in working apply directly
to the positions for which they qualify and are interested.