Creede Repertory Theatre
The KID Show is an extraordinary youth theatre program that positively impacts and changes the trajectory of children’s lives. In rural Creede, Colorado (population 400), students have limited access to out-of-school educational arts programming and become at risk for early drug use and unplanned pregnancies. The professional artists of Creede Repertory Theatre’s KID Show program have worked for thirteen years to provide a safe, creative space for these underserved young people to access their authentic voices, explore their unique gifts and talents, and collaboratively create performance pieces that are exceptional in quality and innovative in form.
The KID Show's mission is to provoke and empower the creative minds of local youth while placing them in a professional environment and encouraging them to play. Since 2003, as part of CRT’s annual summer season, a professional team of actors, directors, sculptors, playwrights, painters, designers, and stage managers mentor local kids (ages 10 – 18) through the process of creating a fully produced, original show. Participants are involved in every aspect of the play-making experience from the very beginning; they design and build costumes, scenery, and astonishing puppets while creating and rehearsing the play they ultimately perform in CRT’s state-of-the-art Ruth Humphreys Brown Theatre.