Art for Change
Art for Change (AfC) is a 501(c)3 organization that encourages the advancement of progressive social change by using art as a catalyst for disseminating information to people. AfC provides space to discuss and explore that information, stimulating individual and collective reflection, which leads to action and change. Art is is AfC's tool and their common ground – by building a bridge between communities and artists AfC can help to articulate experiences, struggles and aspirations, inspiring people to consider, with a questioning eye, their ways of life, their environment, their roles, how various systems work, and ways to improve their lives and environment. By providing equal access to information and involvement, AfC encourages active participation while building community. By focusing on artistic expression, AfC plays a key role in maintaining cultural traditions, respect and appreciation for the diversity of cultures in New York City. AfC is an asset to their community; providing space for other organizations, artists and activists to congregate, rehearse, network and interact with the community of East Harlem.