People, Land, Arts, Culture, and Engagement: Taking Stock of the PLACE Initiative

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PLACE Report
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Publication Date: 
February 2014
Tucson Pima Arts Council
Number of Pages: 

This groundbreaking report from the Tucson Pima Arts Council, People, Land, Arts, Culture, and Engagement: Taking Stock of the PLACE Initiative,  deepens and elevates the meaning of creative placemaking through a thoughtful analysis of its authentic and purposeful work which puts “we the people” of place at the center of placemaking. What are often talked about as vague notions of “transformation” here are methodically assessed in terms of concrete and realistic impacts on community, institutions, and artists, and are illuminated in specific ways through concise but richly detailed case studies. This report based on the evaluation of four years of placemaking activities is a substantive guide to understanding what difference both a public arts agency and its grantees can make as social change agents. 

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