
Recognizing that creativity and beauty are powerful agents for healing and change, Barefoot Artists works with poor communities around the globe practicing the arts to bring healing, self-empowerment and social change. Barefoot Artists brings the...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
The International Centre of Art for Social Change (ICASC) Judith Marcuse Projects (JMP) and Simon Fraser University have partnered to establish the International Centre of Art for Social Change (ICASC), the first of its kind in North America. ICASC...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
One Voice Mixed Chorus unites gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people and straight allies to build community and create social change by raising our voices in song. As the largest GLBT chorus in North America, One Voice is known for its musical...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Focused on a transformative art experience in non-traditional settings, the William James Association has been a platform for change for incarcerated populations, troubled youth, and parolees. The association's website is a valuable tool with in-...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Democracy is founded on robust dialogue, but somewhere along the line, politics replaced sex as the one thing in America we don’t discuss in mixed company – even amongst friends and family. Bring it to the Table is a participatory online platform,...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Shakespeare Behind Bars is a Louisville, Kentucky based project focusing on the aspects of theatre that can make a person trust, collaborate, critically think, have a desire to help others and create a positive self image. The program has been a ...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Talking Eyes Media (TEM) was founded in 2002 by Julie Winokur and Ed Kashi as a 501(c)(3) public interest organization. Since its founding, Talking Eyes has been at the forefront of multimedia storytelling, generating award-winning work on topics...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
Play Ball on Historic Downs Field was performed May 9th-11th, 2014 to an audience of over 1,500 people. Presented through a partnership between Forklift Danceworks and Austin's African American Cultural Heritage District, Play Ball premiered as part...
Last Updated: August 14, 2014
The Chicago Artists Coalition (CAC) is a 41-year old artist service organization dedicated to building a sustainable marketplace for entrepreneurial artists and creatives. Across its history, CAC has an impressive legacy of working directly with and...
Last Updated: March 3, 2015
A film about government corruption and how it causes our system to work against us. I'm a former business lobbyist. I've participated in this legalized corruption. I've represented corporate interest before state and federal officials. I get angry...
Last Updated: May 22, 2015
Our Mission: Through performances of the highest artistic quality, post-show discussions, and creative workshops, to honor and serve our veterans and to help our communities process the social and cultural effects of war with integrity, in an honest...
Last Updated: June 8, 2015
The Lynch Quilts Project is a community based effort, which examines the history and ramifications of racial violence, especially lynching, in the United States of America through the textile tradition of quilting. Join us in weaving a new future...
Last Updated: July 8, 2015
Aids underserved youth in recovery from psychological trauma through art therapy and healing public art installations. Mental illness carries a stigma, especially in minority communities, many suffer in silent shame internalizing their emotions...
Last Updated: July 17, 2015
(Photos by John Borstel) Background
Last Updated: October 28, 2015
What is American culture? While many countries long ago defined their culture and heritage, our culture is less easily described. A recent New York Times essay on identity raised thought-provoking questions about the diversity and fluidity of the...
Last Updated: December 2, 2015


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